Join the over 200 schools that are using our textbooks, including:


BROOKLYN: Yeshiva Chaim Berlin, Mirrer Yeshiva, The Cheder, Yeshiva Torah Temimah, Bais Yaakov Adas Yereim, Bais Brocha D'Karlin, Ateret Torah Boys, Ateret Torah Girls, Yeshiva Toras Emes Kaminetz, Bnos Yisrael, Yeshivat Mekor Haim, Ichud Mosdos HaChinuch, JCSE, Torah D'Chasidei Ger, Yeshivat Shaare Torah Boys, Yeshivat Shaare Torah Girls, Yeshivas Orach Chayim, Yeshiva of Brooklyn, Yeshivat Lev Torah, Meorot Beit Yaakov, Yeshiva Derech Eretz Boys (YDE), Yeshiva Derech Eretz Girls (YDE), Gan Yisroel, Gesher Yehuda, Mevakshei Hashem, Yeshiva Jesode Hatorah Vien, Beth Chanah School, Nesivos Bais Yaakov, Bais Sara, Yeshiva Ohel Moshe, Yeshiva Chasan Sofer, Yeshiva Ketana of Bensonhurst, Yeshiva Machzikei Hadas Belz, Ahiezer Yeshiva, Lev Bais Yaakov, Bais Yaakov Shoshanas Yaakov, Talmud Torah Tiferes Bunim, Yeshiva Magen David, Yeshiva Yagdil Torah, Yeshiva Tiferes Elimelech, Meoros Bais Yaakov, Bnos Ahavas Yisrael, Bnos Menachem, Machon Lev Seminary


QUEENS: Darchei Torah, Torah Academy for Girls (TAG), Bais Rivkah, Yeshiva Tifereth Moshe,Yeshiva K'tana of Queens, Mesivta Shaarei Chaim, Bnos Malka Academy, Cheder Chabad Girls of Long Island, Ateres Chaya Mushka, Bnos Bais Yaakov, Talmud Torah Siach Yitzchok


LAKEWOOD: Lakewood Cheder, Bais Faiga, Yeshiva Toras Aron, Yeshiva Orchos Chayim, Bais Reuven Kaminetz, Bnos Esther Malka, Yeshiva Tiferes Torah, Meoros Rochel Leah, Mesivta Darchei Noam,  Yeshivat Ohr Hachayim, Yeshiva Masoras Avos, Bnos Penina, Yeshiva Ohr Yehuda, Yeshiva Toras Emes, Bais Rochel, Nachalas Bais Yaakov, Bnos Bracha, Tashbar of Lakewood, Bnot Yisrael, Cheder Toras Zev, Yeshivat Yagdil Torah, Yeshiva Mekor Chinuch, Bnos Sarah, Yeshiva Mekor HaTorah, Bnos Hadassah, Yeshiva Even Yisroel
Yeshiva Ohr Shraga, Yeshiva Shagas Aryeh, Aim High, Bais Yaakov Bnos Chayil


MONSEY: Yeshiva of Spring Valley Boys, Bais Sara (Yeshiva of Spring Valley Girls), Central UTA of Monsey (Girls), Yeshiva Avir Yakov, Yeshiva Bais Dovid, Bais Malka Belz, Cheder Beer Yeshaya, Cheder Chabad, Yeshiva of Greater Monsey, Talmud Torah Adas Yereim, Bnos Ohr, Stein Yeshiva of Lincoln Park, Ateres Bonois, Bnos Esther Pupa, Yeshiva Eitz Chaim, Toras Emachu, Bas Mikroh Girls School


OTHER LOCATIONS: Yeshiva K'tana of Passaic, Joan Dachs Bais Yaakov (Chicago), Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi (Chicago), Yeshiva Rav Isacsohn Toras Emes (Los Angeles), Bais Chaya Mushka (Los Angeles), Mesivta of Greater Los Angeles, Yeshiva Ketana of Los Angeles, Yeshiva Toras Emes Toras Chaim Middle School Boys(Miami), Yeshiva Toras Emes Toras Chaim Middle School Girls(Miami), Lubavich Education Center Boys (Miami), Lubavich Education Center Girls (Miami), The Learning Tree (Miami), Bais Yaakov of Miami, Cheder Lubavich Hebrew Day School (Skokie), Yeshiva Derech HaTorah Boys (Cleveland), Yeshiva Derech HaTorah Girls (Cleveland), Yeshiva Day School of Las Vegas, Bais Yaakov of South Fallsburg, Yeshiva K'tana of Waterbury, Mesivta Bnei Torah (Waterbury, CT) Torah Institute (Baltimore), Yeshiva Torat Emet (Houston), Torah Day School of Phoenix, Phoenix Hebrew Academy, Cheder Chabad of Philadelphia, Politz Hebrew Academy (Philadelphia), Yeshiva Beth Yehudah (Southfield, Michigan), Maimonides Hebrew Day School (Portland), Yeshiva Yesodei HaTorah (Toronto), Bobov (Toronto), Lubavich Yeshiva (Montreal), Torah Day School of Ottawa, Beth Yaakov of the Jersey Shore (West Long Branch), Yeshiva Keter Torah (West Long Branch), Mesivta Tiferes Jerusalem (New York, NY), Yeshiva Shaare Tzion Boys (Piscataway), Yeshiva Shaare Tzion Girls (Piscataway), Shalom Torah Academy (Morganville), Maimonides Hebrew Day School (Albany), Tiferes Shlomo (London), Bobov (London), Bnos Chayl (Manchester), Milton Eisner Yeshiva (Scranton), Yerushalayim Torah Academy (Jerusalem), The Jewish Academy (Hollywood, Fl), Mizrahi Torah Academy (Sunrise, Fl), Bais Chaya Mushka (Iowa), Torah Academy of Boston, Mesivta Shaarei Chaim (Baltimore), Cheder Morristown, Oholei Torah Day School (Winnipeg), Belz Yeshiva Ktana (Montreal), Cheder Chabad (Palm Beach, Fl), Rabbi Jacob Joseph School - Merkaz Hatorah Boys (Staten Island), Rabbi Jacob Joseph School Girls (Staten Island), Torah Prep Boys (St. Louis, MO), Torah Prep Girls (St. Louis, MO), Mesivta Shaarei Adirim (Chicago), Toras Chaim (Portsmouth, VA), Hebrew Academy (Margate, Fl), Torah Day School of Dallas, Cincinatti Hebrew Day School, Yeshiva Kesser Torah (Baltimore), Clifton Cheder, Yeshiva Yesodei HaTorah (Australia), Hebrew Academy Tampa Bay, MMSC Day School (Seattle, Washington) & Seattle Jewish Montessori ECC, Jewish Foundation School (Staten Island), Bais Yaakov of Scranton, Yeshivas Mishkan HaTorah (Toronto), Hillel Academy of Denver, Torah School of Greater Washington (Silver Spring, Maryland), Yeshivas Toras Simcha of Baltimore,Yeshiva Ktana of Manhattan, Bais Yaakov of the East Side, Netivot HaTorah Day School (Toronto), Talmud Torah London, Hebrew Academy of Cleveland, Adass Israel (Victoria, Australia), CMCH Elementary & Middle School (Atlanta, GA) Beis Yaakov Ayelet Hashachar (South Africa), Beis Chinuch LeBonos (London), OYY Lubavitch Girls' School (Manchester), Tiferes Doniel (Switzerland), Cheder Lubavich Arizona

Testimonial of Rabbi Maimon Elbaz

Fundamentals of Life Science - Softcover, 198p


Hashem made our world in such an awesome way so that we could easily recognize His ultimate wisdom and kindness.  With the advances of modern science, our generation is privileged to know about more Nifla'os Hashem than ever before.  With such knowledge, it is upon us to use it to gain a greater appreciation of the greatness of Hashem and His magnificent creations.  

The Niflaos HaBoreh Explorer textbook series will guide you on a journey where you will learn about the way scientists obtain information, what enables life to exist, and get to know some of the most amazing creations Hashem made on our planet including the most specatular of them all, the wondrous world within you!

The first volume of our series, "Fundamentals of Life Science" is currently being used by thousands of students around the world who are being both educated and inspired using our resources.  A steady stream of principals, teachers, and parents have reported how their students are more interested and learning more than ever before with our resources.  Our program includes a full set of teacher's resources that includes dynamic powerpoint presentations and a spectacular educational video series.  

Anatomy and Physiology Textbook


Our second textbook, "Anatomy and Physiology" has been just as successful covering all aspects of the human body (with the exception of the reproductive system) in a way that is both kosher and a Kiddush Hashem.

Cover for Fundamentals of Physical Sciences 2


Our third textbook, "Fundamentals of Physical Science" is designed for 8th grade and completes our middle school series.  It has a comprehensive introduction to the topics Earth Science, Astronomy, Chemistry, and Physics.

The Wonders of Creation - Mosaica Pres - Hardcover, 115p


Barchi Nafshi,  The Wonders of Creation is the first in a series of books for the home that shares incredible knowledge about Hashem's amazing planet with readers of all ages.  With fun-tastic facts and eye-popping photographs, this breathtaking book inspires a greater appreciation of what Dovid Hamelech was talking about when he said, "Mah rabu maasecha Hashem, kulam b'chochmah asisa" - a greater appreciation of the magnificence of Hashem and His glorious creations.   Barchi Nafshi, The Wonders of Creation can be purchased in our online store.


For more information on bringing the Niflaos HaBoreh Explorer science program to your school, contact Rabbi Yaakov Lubin at YaakovLubin@jewishcenterforscience.com and to purchase a copy of our textbook, "Fundamentals of Life Science" visit our online store.




"The purpose of all these wonders is to make us aware that Hashem is there and that He is the One who brought these wonders about." -Rabbi Avigdor Miller(Ohr Avigdor, Chovos Halevavos)